
Hi ! I'm Mayuresh

Developer Designer

Hi I am web developer as well as App developer. I started programming in year 2018-19! Till now I have learned various languages such as C, C++, Java, Advance Java, Python. I have participated in various programming competitions and have got various certificates. I have participated in various online course and quiz too. I have made some projects with my team.

Name:- Mayuresh Hivarekar.
Contact:- 9373170119
Birth Date:- 2-10-2002
E-mail:- mayureshh1234@gmail.com

HTML 95%
CSS 90%
Java 85%
Android 95%
MySQL 90%
Javascript 85%



Designing Webpages.

Build Websites

Building various types of websites.

Manage Databases

Managing database for websites.

Android Apps

Developing apps for mobile.

Ui Design

Creating a UI design.

Creating Animations

For creating animations.

Education & Experiences

2019 - 2020

Software Development

2019 - 2020

JavaScript Webpages

2019 - 2020

App Development

2019 - 2020

Machine Learning

2019 - 2020

Artificial Intelligance

2019 - 2020

Augmented reality


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